There are also columns for Directions, Contact Title, and Notes. The columns neatly separate the data into Customer ID, Company, Contact, Contact Type, Phone, Cell, Fax, Email, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Website, and complete address. The table has two contact types, allowing you to store contacts for both business and personal purposes. In the template, there are sample entries that give you an idea of how your own contact list will look like, as well as guide you in filling out the table. The Contacts tab is where you can find your customers. This Excel template has two worksheet tabs, the Contacts and Setup tabs. This template allows you to store a comprehensive list of your customers’ contact information so you know how to get in touch with them not only for marketing purposes but also for customer service and follow ups as well. This template is very useful for those companies or businesses involved in selling their goods or services to customers, such as clothing boutiques, restaurants, suppliers, manufacturers, fabricators, and many more.
The Customer Contact List Template for Excel is a reliable template that you can use for storing all your customers’ contact information so you can get in touch with them.